Monday, September 14, 2009

Trip to Nebraska!

We were in Nebraska this weekend to celebrate Jac's cousin Joey's first birthday.  We had a wonderful trip!  Here are some highlights.
Cousin playtime!

Our trip to the Children's Museum

Joey's Birthday! His Brobee cake was beautiful and delicious! Joey let Jac try out his new 
Rody from Nanny and Poppy.

We got to meet up with two of my best friends from Jr High and High School, Jen and Rachel, and their babies!  Jac loved getting to meet Frances, Ethan and Bella.  Ethan and Bella's mom bought them each a Husker shirt, which was so sweet of her.  It was great to reconnect with them. 
We were also able to have lots of good football time this weekend.  Poppy and Jac enjoyed watching a game together.
Poppy has worked hard to create a beautiful rooftop garden at their condo.  We enjoyed eating dinner there one beautiful evening.  Jac loves his Nanny and Poppy!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Nebraska pics...especially the babies in their Nebraska t-shirts!!! :)
