Thursday, May 20, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

JAC and Bekka

We took JAC to see the amazing Bekka Bramlett sing last week. She
even let him on stage during her sound check. The icing on the cake
was Bonnie Bramlett joining Bekka for her last song. It was a such
fun night and much needed after all of the stress lately!

Using his fork

Monday, May 10, 2010

Scenes of Nashville

Here are a few shots I took over the weekend while I was out volunteering.  It looks like this for miles in many neighborhoods.  So devastating!!

Happy Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day.  We enjoyed lunch with AnnaBeth and while we were waiting, JAC enjoyed pushing around the Wet Floor sign.  He's very busy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Practicing Dance Moves

Mama J and JAC took a break from the stress of the week to practice their dance moves at one of o ur favorite little neighborhood restaurants, Nuvo Burrito.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Help

Several people have asked me how to help Nashville attempt to rebuild our city. Of course is a great place to donate. Also, most people I know who have lost it all have said that gift cards would be most helpful. (Target, Kroger, KMart, Home Depot, etc.) Also, all of the neighborhood command centers are in desperate need of supplies to help with rescue/cleaning efforts. I'd be happy to purchase supplies to donate with gift cards, as well. Thank you to everyone for your concerns, thoughts, and prayers over the past few days.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bailing out Lipstick

These pictures truly don't do it justice. These were taken after
approximately 12 hours of "bailing" and pumping completed. We had
two sump pumps, two shop vacs, and lots of people with buckets for
approximately 36 hours straight. That's the only reason it didn't
get to the main floor. Because it kept raining and raining and

Bailing out Lipstick

Monday, May 3, 2010

13 Months old!

As we are trying to recover from the disastrous floods this weekend, JAC has been trying to catch up on some reading.  9 times out of 10, when he is being "too quiet," and I go looking for him, he is quietly reading.  So sweet.

Thank you for all of your concerns over the weekend.  Our house is okay.  The Lipstick is not.  We bailed out about 4-5 feet of water from the basement and have lots of loss and damages.  But, we feel fortunate compared to what others are facing.  I'm not sure how much coverage it's gotten throughout the country, but go to or for some amazing pics.  It truly has been the most incredible, devastating thing most anyone here has ever seen.