Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mr. Magoo

A hard day's work!  Mama J said he looks like Mr. Magoo!

Charity Event

Jac had his first charity event last night.  Lipstick sponsored the Dining Out for Life event at Rafferty's to benefit Nashville Cares.  His mamas were so busy showing him off that they forgot to take pictures at the actual event.  But, he slept through the entire thing and then was wide awake when it was time for bed.  He's a mess!


Jac had his first trip to the hair salon to meet his "Uncle" Jason.  While Jac didn't receive services this time, Jason is already making plans for his first 'do. 

Monday, April 27, 2009

Robbie and Kim seem to have the magic touch with Jac.  They think his mamas are lying when they say he is a rascal during the night!  In the last picture, he is demonstrating how he holds his thumb in with his other hand; we're hoping he's not throwing gang signs!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Three weeks old!

I've been trying to get some good face shots of Jac because he is so adorable and his little face is getting so chubby and precious.  I don't think they do him justice, but they're still pretty cute! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Jac is so calm and mellow when he is outside!  We're thankful for that since his mamas love to be outside, too!  We can't wait to get him into the pool!  You can also see that we finally gave into the pacifier.  Oh well; he LOVES it!

Matching pjs!

Jac has been much happier at night lately; I think it's due to our matching pjs!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Jac loves his big boy bathtub!  Thanks Aunt Jan!

Night Owl!

Such a precious boy.  This was taken when we were getting ready for bed and he was sleeping like an angel.  The second we got into bed, he decided to wake up and continued to wake up about every 45 minutes last night.  He is definitely a night owl!!

Robbie's Birthday!

Jac had a big night out to celebrate Robbie's birthday at Stoney River; he was such a good boy!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Jac LOVED his bath with Mama J this morning!!


We've been having beautiful weather and we're enjoying our walks around the neighborhood!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Jac LOVED his first experience in his bouncer seat!

Nanny Gardner

Jac enjoyed meeting his other grandmother this week! Jac loves his Nannies!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Portrait gallery

Jac's portrait gallery is now up online if you're interested.  Go to; click on "clients;" password is "jac" all lowercase.  Katy did such a wonderful job; they're adorable!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Here are a few more images from Jac's portrait session by Katy Southern.  We'll post a link to the gallery when it's done.  We're so pleased with how these turned out!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Jac had a wonderful first Easter!  We went to church and lunch with Robbie and Kim.  Pastor Dony loved showing him off to the congregation and using him as a prop for his Easter message! 

Katy Southern came to take Jac's newborn pictures on Saturday.  He was such a good boy!  She sent us this one image and said more will follow shortly.  They're going to be precious!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Jac is a week old today!  Here are some more pictures of our precious little guy!

Jac's grandparents had this amazing quilt made for him. He's in the middle with his trumpet followed by the parade of his family passing by places special to his mommies!  Notice the Lipstick Lounge (:  What a special gift.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Jac is here!

We are so excited to announce the arrival of Jon Anthony Carl "Jac" Valentine.  He arrived Friday April 3rd at 1:10pm after approximately 12 hours of childbirth au natural (Whew! What was I thinking?) and weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 20 inches long.  We got home yesterday and are enjoying getting him settled in.  His Nanny and Poppy and Aunt Hannah and Cousin Joey are also here to welcome him.  He is an absolute doll and we are having so much fun with him already.